10 IN10TIONAL Minutes with Janine
10 IN10TIONAL Minutes with Janine
2️⃣ of 1️⃣0️⃣ 🗣️Health & Vitality-Focused Affirmations

2️⃣ of 1️⃣0️⃣ 🗣️Health & Vitality-Focused Affirmations

Journey with me towards a healthier, happier life. Today, it's all about your well-being, body, mind, and spirit. Whether you're taking a morning walk, preparing a meal, or simply seeking inspiration.

Welcome to "10 IN10TIONAL Minutes with Janine." I'm your host, Janine, and together, we'll explore meaningful insights and perspectives to help you lead a purposeful and intentional life. In today's episode, we're focusing on our health.

But before we dive into today's 10-minute confession, I want to encourage you to save or pin this podcast. You can listen to these affirmations and confessions as you drive to work, during your workouts, before bed, or even when you wake up. They can be a powerful source of inspiration and motivation.

Our affirmations and confessions today are based on the biblical truth found in Mark 11:23-24, which says, "If anyone says to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them. Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours."

As we journey through life, especially in matters of health, it's essential to recognize that we're all imperfect beings. At times, we may fall short of the healthy habits and well-being ideals we aspire to uphold. It's in these moments of reflection and humility that we can either rise above our challenges or succumb to them. May these confessions help you cultivate a renewed mindset through discipline and tap into the wellness potential that's already within you. You just have to reach within and embrace it.

Let's begin our confessions:

  • I am in charge of my health, and I choose to prioritize it every day. My body is a temple, and I nourish it with healthy choices and self-care. I am grateful for my body's resilience and its capacity for healing. Every day, I move closer to optimal health and vitality. I confess that my body is a temple of the Holy Spirit. I choose to honor God by caring for my body with healthy choices." (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)

  • My health is a valuable asset, and I commit to taking better care of it. I acknowledge that my actions and choices directly impact my well-being, and I strive to make positive changes. any unhealthy habits that have held me back, I choose to replace them with habits that promote wellness "I confess that God is my healer, and I trust in His ability to restore and renew my health." (Psalm 103:2-3)

  • My body is a vessel capable of receiving healing from God. I embrace the power of positive thinking to support my overall well-being. I choose to release stress and negativity, allowing my body to thrive in order to obtain the purpose set before me. "I confess that God provides me with the nourishment I need for a healthy life." (Psalm 104:14-15)

  • I confess that I am the architect of my health. I let go of past mistakes and commit to a future of better choices. I forgive myself and others for any hindrances to my well-being. I am healthy, happy and blessed. "I confess that in Christ, I am a new creation, and I choose to leave behind the old and embrace the new." (2 Corinthians 5:17)

  • I am worthy of good health and self-care. I prioritize rest, and sleep, as essential elements of my overall health. I embrace self-compassion and self-love on my health journey. "I confess that God grants His beloved rest and peace. I trust in His provision for my well-being." (Psalm 127:2)

  • I confess any harmful habits that have held me back, whether it's unhealthy eating, wrong behavior, or negative thought patterns. I choose to replace these habits with ones that nurture my body and mind. "I confess my sins to God and ask for His forgiveness and strength to overcome harmful habits." (1 John 1:9)

  • I affirm that each day is an opportunity to improve my health. I choose to fill my life with positivity, gratitude, and mindfulness. I welcome healing and wellness into my life." "I confess that a joyful heart is good medicine, and I strive to maintain a heart full of gratitude and positivity." (Proverbs 17:22)

  • I affirm that my health journey is a marathon, not a sprint. I celebrate small victories along the way and trust the process. I am patient and persistent in my pursuit of well-being I trust God's timing for my health journey." (Luke 21:19)

  • I confess my gratitude for my body and the many blessings of health. I am mindful of the interconnectedness of my physical, mental, and emotional health. I choose a life of inegration and harmony. "I confess that every good and perfect gift is from above, and I am grateful for the gift of health." (James 1:17)

Before we wrap up this episode, I want to leave you with a thought that has guided me on my own health journey. I often remind myself,

"Health is the foundation upon which we build our lives."

It's a reminder that our well-being forms the cornerstone of everything we aim to achieve. Without health we are stuck and tied to a bed. We cannot perform optimally and we cannot perform at our best.

black and red cherries on white bowl
Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

A few years ago, I found myself caught in the relentless whirlwind of a demanding career. The long hours, the stress, and the neglect of my own health took a toll on me. I realized that I was neglecting the very foundation I needed to thrive in all areas of life.

One day, I had a wake-up call—a moment of clarity that changed everything. I decided to prioritize my health, not as an afterthought but as a fundamental pillar of my existence. I began with small, intentional steps—better eating habits, regular exercise, and mindful practices.

Over time, these choices transformed my life. I felt more energetic, focused, and resilient. My relationships improved, my career blossomed, and most importantly, I found a sense of inner peace that had eluded me for years. It was a powerful reminder that when we prioritize our health, we lay the strongest foundation for a life filled with purpose and intentionality.

So, my fellow IN10TIONALISTS, remember that your health is not just a means to an end; it's an essential component of the journey itself. Embrace these affirmations and confessions, and may they guide you towards a life of vitality, joy, and well-being.

Thank you for joining me on this health-focused episode.

Until next time, stay intentional in your pursuit of a healthier, happier life.

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10 IN10TIONAL Minutes with Janine
10 IN10TIONAL Minutes with Janine
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